How Deep Energy Metering uses a Data Science Toolkit

Deep energy metering is a forensic and advanced method to increase profitability

You’d be hard-pressed to find a successful industry these days that doesn’t take advantage of the latest technologies generally and more specifically some form of the exploding field of data analytics. It would also be difficult to find any that isn’t concerned with sustainable energy and/or the limitations on the resources we use today.

And that’s just the combination that deep energy metering is working to the fullest by pulling the levers of the data science toolkit available to them. This disruptive and innovative technology is taking full advantage of what data analytics can offer by way of monitoring energy usage to promote cost effectiveness and focus on conservation.

Real-time information

Pulling value from real-time information is one of the cornerstones of the data analytics subset that is used here. Getting the relevant information at both the machine and system-level can help form a picture, and the data landscape that results can lead to a detailed energy demand and usage analysis that will generate costs savings. Economically generating raw energy use data, and converting it into useful information is at the forefront, and understanding the trends that it highlights can help to pinpoint electrical waste right at the circuit level.

Big data analytics promises to be a boon to the energy metering industry because it allows companies to stay lean in an ever competing market by trimming costs and using energy dollars efficiently. The benefits of big energy data siphoned down into a relevant form are many.

  • As big data analytics solutions used with deep energy metering can provide a quick and innovative way to see patterns of energy waste, they inevitably point to better ways of using energy dollars. Eliminating unnecessary energy consumption and changing operational procedures to suit are just two of the areas where coupling data analytics with a continuous energy audit can yield a sustainable ROI.
  • Data mining is another tool that becomes economic with this technology. By monitoring the energy consumption, larger questions about the business’s operational issues get answered with facts and figures. Energy analytics at the circuit level allows broad use of benchmarking, which will increase productivity and lower operating costs.

Deep energy metering is a forensic and advanced method to increase profitability, as it corrals all the information associated with a facility’s operations and makes it accessible to big data analytics tools. Equipment benchmarking, precision maintenance and Carbon / Greenhouse Gas Reporting (GHG) are just three of the many techniques this innovative technology brings to commercial and industrial buildings and facilities.