Alberta Energy Efficiency Advisory Panel — Getting It Right with CircuitMeter

Students Take Charge of their Future with Smart Metering

In the final report from the Alberta Energy Efficiency Advisory Panel, Getting It Right, released in the fall 2016, a special energy management project was highlighted. This project, which was conducted through the Innovate High School program, Edmonton Public School Board, features the use of CircuitMeter WebMeters™ to monitor energy consumption in real time at the individual circuit level, measure the carbon emission equivalent and allocate energy costs within the rooms or sections of a building.

Innovate students were encouraged to create a project which would assist them in taking charge of their energy future. The students, with the assistance of Innovate Coordinator, Aaron Dublenko, designed a project to enhance the use of solar energy in the Queen Elizabeth High School in Edmonton, Alberta, based on the power of CircuitMeter electrical submetering and energy data analytics platform to provide real time energy management. The students pitched this idea to facility managers at the City of Edmonton who quickly saw the value of the project and became a community partner.

CircuitMeter is very excited about the Innovate program and applaud the efforts of the students and Innovate Coordinator, Aaron Dublenko, in making this project such a success. This energy management project will assist with the larger goal of the Innovate program of raising generations of energy-literate Alberta citizens, as energy efficiency is a key pillar in climate policy, not solely in Alberta but also on a global scale.

This valuable ‘hands-on’ Innovate initiative clearly demonstrates that a reduction in energy consumption is possible for any facility and a savings of thousands of dollars with the installation of real time, CircuitMeter technology.

If you are interested in reading The Final Report of the Alberta Energy Efficiency Advisory Panel, “Getting It Right: A More Energy Efficient Alberta”, please click here to view the full PDF (2.7MB). In this report, the advisory panel outlines recommendations on the types of energy savings programs that Energy Efficiency Alberta can deliver in the near future, as well as outlining their long-term vision.