Presentation at WISE: Advanced Submetering Technology

Waterloo Public Lecture Series: Forensic Energy Management

On May 3rd Paul Mertes joined WISE (Waterloo Institute for Sustainable Energy) for an in-depth discussion of Submetering and Circuitmeter’s technology and the major role they play in analyzing energy usage and helping management of industrial and commercial facilities to use energy more efficiently. Combining “real time” communication with cloud-based, big data energy analytics, this new technology has the ability to break down energy usage data and identify where and when it is wasted. With the ability to identify and break down electrical use into granular data, for any specific time, circuit by circuit, CircuitMeter, in the following video, introduces the concept of Forensic Energy Management™.

Here is the link to the presentation Paul Mertes delivered to the Waterloo attendees. Click here to watch