Energy data is reaching mission critical status.

Read the latest news on the use of data science in achieving energy efficiency goals.

Breaking News – Ontario to lead provinces in fight to reduce carbon footprint Ontario becomes the first province to approve new provincial Energy and Water Benchmarking Regulations. The Ontario Ministry of Energy has introduced the Energy and Water Reporting and Benchmarking (EWRB) initiative to help building owners improve their building’s energy and water efficiency and reduce their greenhouse gas emissions (GHG). It is reported that buildings in Ontario such as office buildings, condominiums and retail stores, accounted for 19% of Ontario’s total greenhouse gas emissions in 2013. The mandatory reporting of energy and water use data for big buildings will incent building owners to not only better manage energy and water use and reduce costs, but the data will allow for great insight into best practices that improve efficiencies in buildings across the province. CircuitMeter applauds this decision and predicts that it will lead to a greater focus on energy efficiency in commercial and industrial buildings, driving Ontario to adopt more advanced energy management technologies and services, and become a leader in this field. Click here for full blog.

Latest Endorsements

CircuitMeter Technology receives shoutout in Alberta Energy Efficiency Report. High School students in the Edmonton Public School Board have taken charge of their energy future by implementing a special energy management student-led initiative. This project, which was conducted through the Innovate program, features the use of CircuitMeter WebMeters™ to monitor energy consumption in real time at the individual circuit level, measure the carbon emission equivalent and allocate energy costs within the rooms or sections of a building. CircuitMeter is very excited about this initiative and applauds the efforts of the students and Innovate Coordinator, Aaron Dublenko, in making this project such a success. This energy management project will assist with the larger goal of raising generations of energy-literate Alberta citizens, with energy efficiency as a key pillar in climate policy, not solely in Alberta but also on a global scale. This inspiring program provides a hands-on demonstration of the reduction in energy consumption and costs that are possible for a facility with the installation of real time, CircuitMeter technology. Read full endorsement here.


Greenhouse Gas Reporting

Carbon pricing, carbon taxes, and cap and trade systems are becoming a reality in a growing number of jurisdictions around the world — leading to the need to quantify carbon emissions. Those numbers are essential not only to analyze operations and make business cases to support financial decision making, but also to comply with Greenhouse Gas (GHG) reporting requirements. With CircuitMeter, users can convert energy data (kWh) into CO2e production data. The energy consumption data in each jurisdiction is automatically converted to GGH carbon equivalent data and these calculations are made available to the analyst, supporting clarity and better decision making. The CircuitMeter commitment is to maintain this data and update with jurisdictional or time base changes — making carbon reporting as easy as a push of a button. Find out more.

Eco Solutions provider with Durham Sustain Ability
We are pleased to announce that we have joined forces with Durham Partners in Project Green (DPPG), a program of Durham Sustain Ability, to work together with other Durham region businesses to build a stronger, greener and more productive regional economy. As an Eco Solutions provider, CircuitMeter is looking for DPPG members to join our community of energy management leaders to better manage energy consumption, reduce costs and minimize the carbon footprint in facilities throughout the region. DPPG Eco Solutions Directory listing (we’re shown on page 4 in the e-book).

Industry Trends
See our latest blog How Deep Energy Metering uses a Data Science Toolkit. In this blog we examine the exploding field of data analytics and explore what data analytics can offer by way of monitoring energy usage to promote cost effectiveness and focus on conservation. Big data analytics promises to be a boon to the energy management industry because it allows companies to stay lean in an ever competing market by trimming costs and using energy dollars efficiently. Read our full blog to learn more.

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