Enhanced Vision:

WE’RE Polishing up the Launch Pad.
Read on for the latest developments and industry news.


Our biggest and boldest software update to date

We have just re-designed the most sophisticated energy analytics tool in the market. You asked for it and we listened. CircuitMeter DataStudio promises to deliver the same level of granular energy data for your entire portfolio of buildings and facilities with even greater functionality.

The fundamental components that make CircuitMonitoring™ one of the most user-friendly and cost effective energy management information systems in the market have not changed.

We continue to offer free updates, system access for an unlimited number of users in each organization, the ability to set benchmarks for each individual load, and automatic notification generation when set thresholds are exceeded.

Integral to our continual improvement process, we have dramatically enhanced our system capabilities and performance as part of our development process of offering best in class real time energy analytics in the market today.


  1. Single interface to view historical and real-time data; streamlining user interface
  2. Export data selections; both summary and detailed level raw data
  3. Enhanced print options for the desired level of granularity; user selectable options
  4. Auto generation of tables and charts; less ‘clicks’ for the user
  5. Additional chart types; for greater insight and improved visibility of energy data
  6. Cross referencing using multiple data points; deeper analytics based on correlation between multiple variables (eg. kWh compared with outside temperature)

CircuitMeter DataStudio, the vision-enhanced evolution of our powerful, enterprise level analytics to turn big data into actionable information and reverse the trend of energy drift in buildings and facilities.

Funding News

SMART Green Program
The SMART green funding program administered by the Canadian Manufacturers and Exporters (CME), and funded by the Government of Ontario Green Investment Fund, provides assistance in the form of a non-repayable grant to support investments in technology and process improvements to improve energy efficiency and reduce GHG emissions.

The SMART Green program targets small and medium sized manufacturers with less than 25,000 tonnes of annual GHG emissions. It covers two streams of funding; one for a technical assessment to identify a project or conduct a baseline GHG emission report and the second stream is funding for capital investments. The funding for technical assessments can be 100% up to $30,000 if the assessment leads to an approved project under the program and 50% of eligible costs to a maximum of $500,000 per facility (with a cap of $1.5Million for multiple facilities) for capital investments.

Eligible capital investments that may be funded under the SMART Green Program include, among others, plant equipment purchases, software and equipment technologies that support manufacturing processes, Energy Management Information Systems (EMIS) and energy efficient motors and equipment.

Don’t delay. Applications for this funding will be considered on a first in first out basis and project completion must be prior to December 2018. Please visit the SMART Green Program website to determine eligibility for this funding.

Media Articles

Energy Accounting
In our latest blog Energy Accounting we explore the value of real time energy cost data as an integral part of an effective energy management solution. The blog outlines how granular circuit level metering combined with real time analytics software can make energy accounting simple and manageable. We explore how the right energy accounting system can identify waste, lower costs, and reduce your carbon footprint.

EE Term of the Month

Energy Drift
Energy Drift is the gradual change in total energy use of a closed system over time. Commercial and industrial buildings are susceptible to wear and tear that can cause buildings to drift from the initial operational standard established during commissioning. “Drift” in building performance is prevented by maintaining systems at energy benchmarks. The following article examines how you can battle energy drift through the cloud.

We welcome your feedback!
If you have any comments on any item in this news brief or any feedback in general, please direct them to our Marketing Team at lora.rigutto@circuitmeter.com
